All good things start with coffee.

How it all started: Rick Voogt and his friend Xander Heijman, both with entrepreneurial blood (and a lot of caffeine) in their veins, decided they would turn the world of access control upside down and start a #keyfreerevolution, and so they did. Clay Solutions was born.

The coffee can they worked on this particular afternoon became their prototype. They took it with them to Spain, where SALTO Systems, a manufacturer of electronic access control systems, welcomed the heroes of this story with open arms.

Fast forward to 2017: the Spanish-based lock company SALTO Systems officially acquired Clay Solutions, the company behind SALTO KS, and we are now basically one big happy family. Clay is the name representing our team in Amsterdam, and we have our very own website to document our company culture and technical skills.

Albondigas anyone?

General Introduction
